Shadow IT

Shadow IT refers to the use of information technology systems, devices, software, applications, and services within an organization without explicit approval from the IT department or management. It typically involves employees using their own devices, apps, or cloud services to perform work-related tasks rather than relying on the official IT-provided tools (BYOD Security Risks).
Shadow IT devices represent a network cybersecurity risk. When connected to the corporate network, shadow IT devices can introduce vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit to gain access to other parts of the network. This could potentially lead to a full-scale network breach.

Shadow IT Devices

Every unmanaged device connected to the network increases the overall attack surface (Unmanaged Switch). Attackers can use these devices as entry points to launch broader attacks on the network, compromising not just the device itself but potentially the entire organization’s infrastructure.
Since these invisible network devices are not centrally managed, IT teams often have difficulty monitoring them for unusual activities or responding to security incidents promptly. This delay in detection and response can allow attackers to dwell in the network attack undetected for extended periods.

CyberSecurity Network Risks

Unapproved Software and Applications

Use of unapproved software and applications that have not been vetted for security vulnerabilities. This includes unauthorized cloud storage services, communication tools, or productivity apps. These applications might not have the necessary security patches or updates, making them easy targets for cyber attacks.

Lack of Security Controls

Since these devices are not managed by the IT department, they often lack proper security controls such as antivirus software, firewalls, or encryption. This makes them vulnerable to malware, ransomware attacks, and other cyber threats.

Weak Passwords and Authentication

Users of shadow IT devices might not follow strong password practices, such as using complex passwords or enabling multi-factor authentication. This makes it easier for attackers to gain unauthorized access to the device and the network it’s connected to.

Data Leakage and Loss

Shadow IT devices can lead to unauthorized data storage and sharing, putting sensitive company information at risk. Employees might unknowingly store confidential data on these devices or share it through unsecured channels, leading to data leakage or loss.

Compliance and Regulatory Risks

Organizations are often subject to various compliance requirements and regulations regarding data protection and privacy. The use of shadow IT devices can lead to non-compliance, which can result in legal consequences and financial penalties.

Network Vulnerabilities

When connected to the corporate network, shadow IT devices can introduce vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit to gain access to other parts of the network. This could potentially lead to a full-scale network breach.

Increased Attack Surface

Every unmanaged device connected to the network increases the overall attack surface. Attackers can use these devices as entry points to launch broader attacks on the network, compromising not just the device itself but potentially the entire organization’s infrastructure.

Difficulty in Monitoring and Incident Response

Since these devices are not centrally managed, IT teams often have difficulty monitoring them for unusual activities or responding to security incidents promptly. This delay in detection and response can allow attackers to dwell in the network undetected for extended periods.

Sepio Shadow IT Device Visibility

To mitigate these risks, organizations should focus on improving visibility into their network, educating employees about the dangers of shadow IT, enforcing security policies, implementing network access controls, and regularly auditing for unauthorized devices and software.

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March 23rd, 2022