Baptist Health keeps patients safe by expanding its Zero Trust approach with Sepio and integrations to their existing tools.
Baptist Health keeps patients safe by expanding its Zero Trust approach with Sepio and integrations to their existing tools.
Discover how Cyber Security Network Sandboxing isolates threats to protect critical systems and prevent malware from entering your network.
IoT use cases in healthcare – HAC-1’s seamless integration with third-party tools makes it an important layer in Baptist Health’s Zero Trust approach.
Merger & Acquisition Use Case-complete asset visibility is necessary for an enterprise to know the full extent of the risks it is inheriting.
Complete and accurate visibility into network and peripheral devices is crucial.
Peripheral hardware detection refers to the process of identifying and recognizing external devices that are connected to a computer system.
A Network Attack refers to any unauthorized attempt to gather, disrupt, or manipulate information or services on a computer network.
Sepio’s software-only solution provides complete visibility to whatever is connected over the client’s entire Enterprise; whether it be connected directly to an Endpoint or as concealed as a Network element.
Bad USB (badusb) attacks can compromise computer systems by exploiting firmware, posing serious security risks and hardware-based attacks.
Invisible or hidden Network Devices detection is security processes aimed to detect malicious unauthorized devices connected to a network.