NIST Cybersecurity Framework

Sepio is adopting the National Institute of Standards, NIST Cybersecurity Framework – policies, standards and best practices to reduce and manage cybersecurity asset risk for enterprises and organizations.

NIST Cybersecurity Framework

NIST Compliance and CSF Controls

Sepio is committed to the principles of cybersecurity excellence by wholeheartedly embracing the comprehensive NIST Cybersecurity Framework.

Sepio’s solution offers proactive identification and detection of both known and shadow devices in the network and 100% asset visibility. Sepio protects your enterprise and elevates your cybersecurity posture.

NIST Cybersecurity Framework - NIST Logo

Sepio's NIST Framework-Compliant Asset Risk Management Solution

Sepio’s Asset Risk Management solution is NIST CyberSecurity Framework compliant and provides enterprises the asset visibility needed to fulfill many of the CSF controls.

Sepio supports and strengthens enterprises and organizations’ overall cyber security efforts. We utilize Layer 1 visibility data to accurately detect and identify all IT/OT/IoT assets on USB and network interfaces. With Sepio’s solution, no device or asset goes undetected, whether it is managed, unmanaged or hidden.

Physical Layer Visibility

NIST Cybersecurity Framework Alignment and Enterprise Resilience

The lack of visibility into Layer 1 means alignment with NIST Cybersecurity Framework CSF controls is limited, and many of the controls cannot be met. Naturally, the enterprise suffers from inadequate cybersecurity and resilience capabilities, which ultimately puts it at risk.

Quotidian, traffic-based security solutions fail to cover Layer 1 visibility, the Physical Layer Visibility of the OSI model. This results in an inaccurate asset inventory, unaccounted-for vulnerabilities, and unidentified risks, all of which hinder further cybersecurity efforts.


NIST CSF controls

Sepio’s solution fulfill many of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework CSF controls:

Incorporating the principles of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, Sepio operates across the key domains of cybersecurity to ensure robust protection for organizations:

  • Identify: Sepio detects and identifies all IT, IoT, and OT assets and devices. We utilize multiple layer 1 parameters and machine learning to detect any device, managed, unmanaged, or hidden. Sepio’s solution provides 100% asset visibility and complete cyber security asset management.
  • Protect: Sepio meets the CPS control of risk scoring of vulnerable devices to ensure risk management and that critical infrastructure services are delivered. Sepio uses Hardware Access Control and Zero Trust Hardware Access. Our solution enhances and automates policy enforcement, preventing unauthorized devices from gaining access and causing disruptions to critical operations.
  • DetectSepio’s solution identifies anomalies in a device’s ID and digital fingerprint in real time. It detects malicious and rogue devices or those which breach the pre-defined policies established by the system administrator.
  • RespondGain visibility into all assets and effectively manage cyber asset risk by applying NIST Cybersecurity Framework control measures upon detecting an event.

Achieving Unprecedented Asset Risk Mitigation with Sepio's Innovative Physical Layer Approach

By aligning with the NIST Framework and utilizing the power of the physical layer (Layer 1), Sepio enables organizations to achieve complete visibility, effectively identifying and mitigating potential security risks and threats.

Sepio‘s solution produces a physical layer visibility fingerprint vector for each connected device, relying on various L1 parameters. Our ML-based algorithm analyzes this vector, yielding a previously unprecedented visibility level.

Our experts will help you understand how to use Sepio’s patented technology to gain control of your asset risks.