Hotels Cyber Security


In today’s hospitality industry, hotel cyber security is essential for safeguarding guest information, payment details, and operational data from cyber threats. Effective cybersecurity measures can help prevent data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage, which are critical to maintaining customer trust and operational resilience.

The Risk of Cyber Attacks on Hotels: A Real-Life Scenario

Imagine returning to your hotel room after a long day, only to find that your mobile keycard no longer grants access. After trying repeatedly, you head to the front desk, where you learn that the hotel’s keycard system has been hijacked in a ransomware attack. A malicious actor has gained control of the network, and access won’t be restored until a ransom is paid. Unfortunately, this scenario highlights the very real and growing risk of cyber attacks on hotels.

The flashing continues and the beeping permeates your ear drums. You have just noticed that there are a few other people on your floor having the same issue. After exchanging some confused glances, you decide to unite to get to the bottom of the problem. You and your comrades go back down to the lobby, frustrated, and head straight to the front desk. The frazzled concierge explains to you that you no longer have access to your room…the hotel has found itself victim to a ransomware attack.

A Hotel Hack?

Not the holiday you were hoping for… A bad actor has managed to gain access to the hotel’s network through a spoofed peripheral and has hijacked the system that controls the keycards, with hotel management being unable to regain control until the ransom is paid. 

This type of attack is a very real threat to hotels that utilize the high-end IoT lock key (IoT Security). By using mobile devices as keycards, hotels are putting themselves at risk as each device acts as an entry point for a bad actor attempting to gain access to the network. IoT devices, although having many advantages, also come with an increased threat to cybersecurity. These smart devices connect to the network, and if a malicious actor takes control of one, they can carry out a variety of attacks.

Hardware Attacks in the Hospitality Industry

Attackers are utilizing IoT devices when carrying out hardware attacks as they are easier to target. Hardware attacks require physical access, and this can be risky when there are numerous physical security measures in place. As such, IoT devices, which are used in less secure areas, are an ideal entry point (Network Attack). Targeting just one device can allow perpetrators to infiltrate the network and carry out attacks such as the ransomware attack described above and, in this case, hack a hotel. Although experts advise against paying the ransom, some organizations have no other option due to limited resources and capabilities. Consequently, the victim faces a significant financial burden, loss of productivity, and reputational damage.

The best way to avoid these consequences is to prevent the hotel hack from happening in the first place. Since this was carried out using a Rogue Device, the ideal solution is to implement a Rogue Device Mitigation solution. By detecting and blocking Rogue Devices, an RDM solution would not have allowed the perpetrators to be successful. By closing the entry points, the hotel can keep their doors open…literally. 

Key Aspects of Hotel Cyber Security

Some key aspects of hotel cyber security are:

Data Protection and Privacy

Guest Information: Hotels collect a significant amount of personal information during the booking process and stay. Protecting this data is crucial to maintaining guest trust.
Payment Data: Secure payment processing systems are essential to prevent credit card fraud and financial losses.

Secure Networks

Wi-Fi Security: Ensure that the hotel’s Wi-Fi network is secure and encrypted to prevent unauthorized access.
Network Monitoring: Regularly monitor network traffic for any unusual or suspicious activities that may indicate a potential cyber threat (Invisible Network Devices).

Endpoint Security

Antivirus Software: Install and regularly update antivirus software on all devices connected to the hotel network to detect and mitigate malware.
Device Management: Implement policies for managing and securing all devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones used within the hotel (Hardware Cyber Security).

Employee Training

Security Awareness: Train hotel staff to recognize and respond to potential security threats, such as phishing attacks or social engineering attempts.
Access Control: Implement strict access controls to ensure that employees only have access to the information and systems necessary for their roles (Employees Role in CyberSecurity).

Regular Audits and Assessments

Vulnerability Assessments: Conduct regular vulnerability assessments to identify and address potential weaknesses in the hotel’s cybersecurity infrastructure.
Penetration Testing: Perform penetration testing to simulate cyberattacks and identify vulnerabilities in the hotel’s systems and networks.

Incident Response Plan

Develop a comprehensive incident response plan that outlines the steps to be taken in the event of a cybersecurity incident. This includes communication protocols, data recovery procedures, and legal obligations.

Compliance with Regulations

Ensure compliance with data protection regulations, such as GDPR, to avoid legal repercussions and financial penalties.

Secure Booking Systems

Protect online booking systems to prevent unauthorized access and ensure the integrity of reservations.

Physical Security

Implement measures to secure physical access to servers, network infrastructure, and other critical IT assets.


Use encryption technologies to secure data both in transit and at rest. This includes encrypting communication channels and encrypting stored data.

Supply Chain Security

Ensure that third-party vendors providing services to the hotel, such as reservation systems or payment processors, adhere to high cybersecurity standards.

How to Improve Hardware Cyber Security in your Hotel?

Sepio’s platform offers a unique and effective solution for protecting networks and endpoints from hardware-based cybersecurity threats. Its focus on visibility, real-time risk management, and comprehensive control makes it an essential tool for modern infrastructure security.

Visit Sepio Youtube channel, and watch out Captain RDM – Episode #11 – Hotel Hack.

August 11th, 2020