The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) refers to the integration of medical devices and systems with Internet connectivity. Allowing them to collect, transmit, and share health data, personal health information (PHI). While IoMT devices offers numerous benefits in terms of improving healthcare efficiency and patient outcomes, they also present IoMT security challenges that need to be carefully addressed. IoMT security is crucial to safeguard sensitive patient information and maintain the integrity of medical devices.
Hospitals around the globe have realized that proper cybersecurity is an utmost necessity for them in today’s current day and age. With the constant influx of IoMT devices, hospitals need to find a way to prioritize IoMT security and keep track of the connections and potential risks that come with establishing a medical IT network.
IoMT Devices and Network Security
The lack of visibility about devices connected to the network prevents effective cybersecurity efforts. When IoMT device visibility is not up to par, a hospital’s entire network is at risk due to inefficient asset management. This is especially perilous as many IoMT devices have a higher risk posture since they function on vulnerable platforms. For example peripheral rouge devices, which do not get detected by existing security solutions. To enhance overall cybersecurity, it’s crucial to address these challenges and develop specialized strategies for comprehensive IoMT security.
Further, hospitals should have the proper capabilities to monitor devices for potential security breaches or attacks. Cyber-attacks can approach their targets in multiple directions, such as supply chain attacks, insider threats, and device impersonation.
The IoMT device global hospital market in 2017 was valued at $41 billion. In 2022, the valuation was $158 billion. This astronomical growth rate shows how much the medical industry has adapted these types of devices. That being said, this has led to increased healthcare cybersecurity challenges as there are now many more devices to manage. On top of this, there is also the issue of device vendor sprawl. The lack of physical layer visibility means ensuring a device’s integrity is nearly impossible.
IoMT CyberSecurity
There are three things that every hospital should have when it comes to cyber security that are exclusive to Sepio and not found in other current security platforms. Visibility, hardware access control and Rogue Device Mitigation (RDM) – all crucial components of robust IoMT security. However, the keystone that makes this system effective in “holding up the stone archway”, in providing the proper defense, is network assets visibility. Specifically physical layer visibility, which is paramount for ensuring strong IoMT cybersecurity.
Having comprehensive asset inventory is not just advantageous but mandatory for effective IoMT security management. Through hardware access control, enterprises can implement a zero trust architecture (ZTA) approach that implements microsegmentation protocols based on a device’s identity. Furthermore, physical layer visibility allows for the instant detection and identification of rogue devices, which can then get blocked immediately. Ultimately, physical layer visibility offers complete asset visibility, which works in tandem with other security software and protocols in order to provide comprehensive cybersecurity in hospitals.
Network Assets Visibility
Just like a “cataract”, which is a medical condition that impedes the vision of a person due to the formation of proteins on the lens of the eye leading to cloudy vision, hospitals must ensure that they don’t lose visibility to the constant formation of technological device advancements creating an ever-so-cloudy landscape of network vulnerabilities.
Sepio provides physical layer protection and visibility in order to instantly detect the presence of unknown devices and prevent any attack from taking place. Sepio’s in-depth visibility makes sure that no hardware device goes unnoticed and unmanaged, detecting hardware-based attacks that target IT/OT/IoMT devices. Furthermore, Sepio’s solution ensures a rigorous policy enforcement mechanism, and rogue device mitigation instantly blocks any unauthorized or malicious hardware. This is Sepio’s Zero Trust Hardware Access method, ensuring that attacks are stopped dead in their tracks.
In the ever-evolving landscape of IoMT security, Sepio’s Asset Risk Management (ARM) provide hospitals with the tools needed to maintain control over their networks and protect against a wide range of cyber threats.
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