Rubber Ducky Attack: Evil Patient

A rubber ducky attack is a type of cyber attack that involves using a specially crafted USB device to exploit a computer system’s security. This attack is also known as a “USB drive-by” or “BadUSB” attack. The attack takes advantage of the trust users have in USB devices, as they are commonly used to transfer files and share information.

The rubber ducky attack is particularly concerning because it doesn’t require the victim to open any files or click on any links. Simply plugging in the USB device is enough to trigger the attack. It’s also difficult for traditional security measures to detect because the device appears as a legitimate keyboard to the computer.

Rubber Ducky Attack Scenario

Mr. Hacker infiltrates a large hospital, cunningly disguising himself as a “sick” patient. Patiently waiting for the perfect moment to execute a rubber ducky attack when least expected. Shockingly, news later breaks that one of the nation’s largest hospitals has fallen victim to a devastating ransomware attack.

Healthcare institutions are particularly susceptible to rubber ducky attacks due to the general lack of robust IoT in Healthcare security measures. To safeguard your hospital from such malicious threats, it’s crucial to adopt an effective solution like Sepio’s Asset Risk Management.

Sepio’s platform offers comprehensive Physical Layer coverage, granting complete visibility into all devices within your hospital’s infrastructure, including protection against rubber ducky attacks.
By utilizing cutting-edge Physical Layer Visibility fingerprinting technology and Machine Learning algorithms, Sepio calculates a unique digital fingerprint based on the electrical characteristics of each device. These fingerprints are then compared against a vast database of known fingerprints, enabling Sepio to provide unparalleled network device visibility. This innovative approach empowers organizations to detect vulnerable devices and switches. Fortifying their infrastructure against potential threats.

Prevent Rubber Ducky Attacks with Sepio’s Platform

The benefits of Sepio’s solution extend beyond network device visibility. It incorporates a robust policy enforcement mechanism that recommends best practices and allows administrators to define strict or granular rules for system enforcement. With these predefined policies in place, any device breaching the established guidelines triggers an immediate mitigation process, blocking unauthorized or rogue hardware, thus enhancing security against Ransomware Attacks on Hospitals.

In a world where hardware attacks loom large, taking a proactive stance is essential to protect your hospital’s operations and the privacy of your patients’ sensitive data. Sepio’s acts as the shield, defending your organization against hardware-based attacks. Don’t wait for an incident to occur. Be prepared and take decisive action now.

Contact us today to learn more about Sepio’s asset risk management platform and how it can help you effectively manage hardware asset-related risks. Safeguard your hospital’s operations, maintain patient trust, and ensure the integrity and security of your critical healthcare systems in the face of escalating threats such as Ransomware in Healthcare – Evil Patient.

See every known and shadow asset. Prioritize and mitigate risks.
Talk to an expert. It will help you understand how to use Sepio’s patented technology to gain control of your asset risks.

October 20th, 2021