Sepio’s CMO and co-founder, Bentsi Ben-Atar, joined i24 news to discuss the Israeli Security Agency’s investigation into suspicious travel mugs gifted by the Chinese embassy to Israeli government offices.
Israel’s internal security service began investigations after it was detected in a routine security check that one of the several travel mugs gifted by the Chinese embassy to Israeli government offices contained a suspicious part. However, following further investigations, it was found that the parts were completely innocent. Even though this was not an espionage case, these cases do in fact exist in the real world. Gifts have always been an attack vehicle when wanting to reach certain classified information.
Bentsi Benatar, CMO and cofounder of Sepio discusses these risks and shows how hardware attack tools are a real life threat. He explains how the modern-day malicious actor can deploy specialized hardware devices to launch cyber-attacks which bypass existing security measures. Through Sepio’s HAC-1 solution, the true nature of hardware devices can be detected and mitigated if necessary. Read about the features of HAC-1.