Blind Spot on Security

In our personal and business lives, our networked electronic devices pose a threat to our infrastructures. We tend to focus on the visible security of computers, information systems, data and sensitive files, but we must not forget that hackers can easily penetrate our systems via our other electronic and connected devices!

In this event, the Chartered Advisors of the US East Coast Chapter of the VigiTrust Advisory Board will be brought together to educate on these threats and how to eliminate them.

Speaker Bio:

Kurt Wassersug of Sepio brings over 20 years of leadership experience and has worked in a myriad of cyber and InfoSec companies during his tenure. He has worked with some of largest global companies and has a deep understanding of operational and technical challenges security practitioners face. Kurt is a senior manager at Sepio, a company focused on providing complete visibility using the Physical Layer of the OSI model. The Physical Layer (L1) focuses on the existence of a device and can stop attacks instantly where traditional visibility tools use layer 2 (MAC) and layer 3+ (TCP/IP) network data to discover and identify devices. This is problematic as at Layers 2 and above, devices without a digital existence (passive taps, unmanaged switches, MiTM attacks or “spoofed” devices) go undetected.

Join us on October 4, for a Fireside chat regarding “Blind Spot on #Security”, in which Kurt Wassersug, VP of Sales (Americas) at Sepio, will be speaking.

October 4th, 2022